It’s A Habit Revolution!

Transform Your Life with the ‘Habit Revolution’ Challenge by ENERGIA VITA | The Trevors Clinic for Functional Health

Hey folks! Let’s talk habits—those sneaky little routines that shape our day-to-day lives, often without us even realizing it. Good, bad, or somewhere in between, we’ve all got ’em. But how often do we actually sit down and think, “Hey, how are these habits affecting my life?”

Pictured are 5 of the 172 Modules of the Habit Revolution Challenge published by ENERGIA VITA | The Trevors Clinic for Functional Health
Pictured are only 5 of the 172 Modules featured in the Habit Revolution Challenge by ENERGIA VITA | The Trevors Clinic for Functional Health!

Introducing the Habit Revolution Challenge!

Now, if you’re sick of letting bad habits run the show, we’ve got something just for you—the Habit Revolution Challenge! It’s 172 days of early-morning, short, actionable tips and tasks, through education and deep dives into reshaping your habits for a healthier, happier you.

And the kicker? It’s only going to cost you 47 Canadian dollars! Yup, you heard me right!

Why the 172 Day Commitment?

Science says it takes about 66 days to form a new habit. So, we’re giving you more than triple that time to make sure these changes really stick. You’ll start by understanding the opportunity in setting intentional commitment(s) toward a change or goal, and then we’re supporting your neurology by providing Sections and Modules in health; nutritional points in proteins, fats, carbs, understanding sleep and stress, and more.

Pictured in a bright blue t-shirt and glasses, is Joseph Trevors, n.d., CFNC sitting at his MacBook in his kitchen on a Saturday after having edited, saved, and published final copy of his Habit Revolution Challenge on October 28, 2023
172 Days of NeuroChange with Nutrition and Functional Health Support, Edited, Saved, and Published!

What’s in It for You?

  • Crazy insightful modules led by experts in functional nutrition, neurology, and mindfulness
  • Quick, daily exercises that aren’t just academic—they’re actionable!
  • A community of like-minded folks sharing in a safe, secure Group Chat environment.
  • Change that lasts.

Why ENERGIA VITA | The Trevors Clinic for Functional Health?

This isn’t some faceless corporation trying to sell you stuff. I’m Joe Trevors, and we’re a (virtual) clinic that ‘sees’ clients in various aspects of Functional Health and Nutrition, Genomic Testing and Analysis, and more. I have years of training, certifications, and both personal and professional experience in Functional Nutrition, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and Mindfulness, and I’m bringing so much of all of this to you in this Challenge. We’re in this together, folks.

Click HERE and get started today (we’ve published this as an ‘evergreen’ course, so that you will start from Day 0 when you sign up – not partway through), and we’ll see you inside the Group!

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