How To Unlock Your Potential: Embracing The Entrepreneurial Mindset

In a world that constantly demands adaptation and innovation (could you hear Don LaFontaine in that like I could? LOL!), the entrepreneurial mindset has emerged as a powerful force for personal growth and societal transformation. It’s a way of thinking that transcends traditional boundaries, embracing challenges as opportunities and viewing setbacks as stepping stones to success. It’s been my quest in understanding this entire phenomena (from physical and mental health, to training, guts, and grind) that has lead me to struggling to find sleep many nights for years; working on my own answers for ‘How To Unlock Your Potential: Embracing The Entrepreneurial Mindset’ while faced with as many challenges.

As a self-proclaimed ‘serial entrepreneur’ (based on various definitions I’ve heard used over the years) with a diverse personal and professional background spanning various industries, I believe that I’ve at least scratched the surface in understanding the profound impact that an entrepreneurial mindset can have on one’s life. It’s not just about starting businesses or chasing financial gains; it’s about cultivating a mindset that empowers you to take control of your destiny, continuously learn and evolve, and create lasting value for yourself and others.

“In my opinion, it’s also important to note that in ‘some’ ways, there are entrepreneurs who are born with the genetic disposition for trying new things, moving from one learned experience to the next, creatively expanding what’s possible over what’s always been done. I’m one of those.” – Joe

An old barn similar to what Joe Trevors remembers from his childhood growing up on a farm in eastern Canada.

The Journey

My journey began in the rural landscapes of eastern Canada, where I was raised on a very small farm. With the admittedly not-always-welcomed encouragement and guidance of my loving mother, and my stern yet equally loving grandfather and grandmother, a deep appreciation for hard work and resilience was nurtured with me. From those humble beginnings, I embarked on what would often prove a tumultuous path that led me through various industries, including insurance, investments, banking, lending, communications, electronics, real estate, auto financing, and brokering for small business lending.

Each step of the way, I embraced the entrepreneurial spirit, constantly seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth (even within positions where I may have been considered an employee – with no request from management on such ideas or ideals). It was this mindset, though, that propelled me to explore diverse ventures, from entrepreneurial and performance coaching to the recent launch of by DENNER Media, a platform designed to empower individuals with sustainable income options in today’s ever-changing economic landscape.

Through these experiences, I’ve come to understand that the entrepreneurial mindset is not just a set of skills or a business acumen; it’s a way of life that cultivates a growth mindset, fosters innovation, queue’s up questions when no one is asking, and empowers individuals to create lasting impact.

Taking Discovery to Another Level

My entrepreneurial journey has been shaped by a profound personal discovery; my diagnosis of what the doc conversationally referred to as “…a very high intellect version of ADHD, Mr. Trevors. You’re saying you didn’t know? No one has ever talked to you about this before?” in 2015, later confirmed as ADHD/OCD, at the same time as a PTSD diagnosis (stemming from childhood trauma and over a decade of work in emergency services) was ‘levelled against me’.

“At least to me, it certainly felt like a charge had been levelled against me. It was a gut punch that not only takes the wind out of your lungs while simultaneously nauseating you from the sudden pain in your abdomen…but it seemed to last long enough to then make you dizzy from lack of oxygen.” – Joe

That said, this revelation absolutely shed accurate light on not only my innate desire to experience a multitude of pursuits. It also explained why I was constantly seeking new challenges and becoming restless once I had mastered a particular domain, or felt I’d gathered all of the knowledge or experience from a particular path that I’d wanted (without ever truly knowing where that ‘want’, or that ‘measure’ was coming from).

For years, I was judged and misunderstood for my tendency to move from one career to another, defying societal norms that dictated sticking to a single path for decades. However, my diagnosis provided a sense of affirmation, allowing me to embrace my entrepreneurial spirit fully. It explained my ability to immerse myself in diverse industries, despite so many people I’ve crossed paths with over the years regaling me with their sincerest appreciation in having found their ‘one true calling’ in life in the position or career they were in at the time (something I can recall feeling envious of at times).

A young boy standing with his superhero cape flowing in the wind, representative of how Joe Trevors feels after having received his diagnosis that he now uses as a strength.

Rather than viewing my varied experiences as a weakness, I now recognize them as a strength – a testament to my adaptability, curiosity, and relentless pursuit of growth. The entrepreneurial mindset has empowered me to start ventures, leave pursuits, assemble teams, close up, open up, and continuously reinvent myself, always seeking new frontiers to conquer.

“There are still, and will always be those who feel I’m nothing more than a scatter. Someone who just can’t keep still, or who is always seeking something new or better. The dreamer. That same person who could write a 99 or 100 mark on a test in school, but rarely paid attention out of boredom in being there, or waiting for a repeated point to be made on a chosen subject of the class. I’m ok with that judgement now, though, because we’re able to not only explain ‘why’, but we’re able to use that why as an important ‘how’ in providing answers to others, opening ventures that partner with or help others, and otherwise prove that some of us are just wired this way.” – Joe

One of the key principles of the entrepreneurial mindset is the ability to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. In an ever-evolving world, those who can pivot and adjust their strategies are the ones who thrive. This mindset encourages us to continuously learn, experiment, and seek out new opportunities, even in the face of adversity. I was reading the perfect LinkedIn post from a RockStar friend of mine just last week (at time of publishing this article); Kira Day of The Passion Centre. She was discussing that ability to pivot, and how important it is in today’s world of entrepreneurship, and more importantly ‘life’.

The Calculated Risk (and then some)

Another crucial aspect of the entrepreneurial spirit is the willingness to take calculated risks. While risk-taking can be daunting, it’s often the catalyst for growth and innovation. By stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing uncertainty, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and experiences that can shape our personal and professional trajectories.

Moreover, the entrepreneurial mindset fosters a sense of ownership and accountability. When we approach our endeavours with an entrepreneurial spirit, we take responsibility for our actions and outcomes, cultivating a sense of empowerment and self-determination.

A group of colleagues and partners excited about their latest accomplishment, as Joe Trevors has experienced in the past.

Ultimately, the entrepreneurial mindset is about more than just financial success; it’s about creating lasting value and making a positive impact on the world around us. Whether it’s through innovative products, services, or social initiatives, those with an entrepreneurial spirit have the power to shape the future and leave a lasting legacy.

As I continue to explore new ventures and opportunities, such as the recent launch of both and, I’m reminded of the transformative power of the entrepreneurial mindset. It has been, for me; a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and continuous growth. One that can (when understood and embraced) empower us to unlock our full potential and create a life of purpose and fulfillment, in all that those words mean to each of us, individually, and/or as a collective.

So, whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or simply someone seeking personal growth, embrace the entrepreneurial spirit.

Embrace change.

Embrace a pivot.

Embrace the motivation behind a judgement.

Look inward as much (I’d argue ‘more’) than you collect the views of the external.

Cultivate that mindset of yours that thrives on ‘the now’, that welcomes challenges, embraces the complex calculations of change, and dares to dream big.

For it is in this mindset, I believe, that we find the courage to chart our own course and leave an indelible mark on the world around us.

“I believe in you. I believe in your ability. Always.” – Joe

8 thoughts on “How To Unlock Your Potential: Embracing The Entrepreneurial Mindset”

  1. Being an entrepreneur is like embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with both exhilarating highs and daunting challenges. It’s about embracing uncertainty, taking risks, and turning dreams into reality. It requires passion, resilience, and a relentless drive to innovate and create value. While the journey may be tough, the rewards of seeing your vision come to life and making a positive impact on the world are immeasurable.  As an entrepreneur myself I totally understand the mental compacity you have to have to lose it all and win big from time to time.  Thanks for writing this and much success in the future!!!

    • Thank you for the insightful perspective! You’ve captured where I was going with my take on the entrepreneurial journey perfectly; it’s an exhilarating rollercoaster that demands passion, resilience, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. Grateful to connect with fellow entrepreneurs like yourself who understand the mental fortitude required to navigate the highs and lows, truly. Wishing you continued success in your entrepreneurial endeavours as well!

  2. You have had quite a journey! I have been more of a career type of guy in the past, though I have tried to utilize different skills. I have found that I can adapt to change, though it can give me anxiety at first. Pivoting is definitely the key. 

    How does the spirit you describe work if you have a spouse or SO in your life? How do you bring them along on that journey? It seems if you don’t have the right person, it could cause some turmoil in a relationship. I’m sure there is some good advice for working through that. 

    • Heya Scott, thanks for taking the time to read and comment! 

      You raise an excellent point about navigating the entrepreneurial journey with a significant other (and I suspect I could – and may, write an article about that topic alone). I absolutely do have an SO in my life – my wife, and we’ve been together for 25 years now. 

      She is most certainly and adamantly a career professional (24 years now in her industry, with the same employer). This creates challenges in aligning our dreams and embracing pivots, but thanks to our studies in and of the mind, we’ve learned to balance each other. I help her dream when she’s too entrenched in her routine, and she provides grounded feedback when I’m getting carried away with new ideas.

      The key – for us, at least, has been an ever-evolving mix of open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to support each other’s aspirations, even if they differ (and trust me when I say they’ve differed). What we’d had to learn; and I suspect it may be true for others, is that it’s about finding a harmonious middle ground where both partners feel heard, understood, while also being free to pursue our passions without compromising the relationship. With patience, empathy, a shared commitment to growth – on a life journey where we meet for joined goals along the way for our family, it’s absolutely possible to navigate the entrepreneurial (and ‘non’) path as a couple.

      And hey, don’t get me wrong; none of that is to lead you to a conclusion involving things not getting heated or dicy at times. It most certainly has (and will in the future, I suspect), but we know the highlighted sights along our path that we want to see together, and that helps us work through things as a team.

  3. The entrepreneurial spirit is all about having a mindset, you have to think or be business-minded and a great way to do that is to connect with people of like mind or read about the success of others and what they did to get there. I believe when we take on this mindset by studying successful entrepreneurs we will be able to do the seem.

    • Hey Norman, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the entrepreneurial mindset! I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment!

      You’re absolutely right that surrounding yourself with like-minded people and learning from successful entrepreneurs is crucial. Their stories and strategies can provide invaluable insights and inspiration for cultivating that business-oriented way of thinking. I’ve been fortunate to have connections with many successful entrepreneurs, visionaries, and leaders over the years, as well as some truly insightful and inspiring mentors. Grateful for each and every one.

      At the same time, I strongly and equally believe the entrepreneurial spirit goes beyond studying others’ successes. For me, it’s about tapping into my own unique strengths, passions, and vision for creating value in the world. Some of the most fulfilling entrepreneurial journeys stem from a deep self-awareness and willingness to chart our own authentic paths. 

      So while learning from mentors and role models is incredibly valuable, I’d also like to encourage others to look inward as much as we seek answers and inspiration externally. Reflect on what truly lights us up, what problems we’re uniquely positioned to solve, and how you can leverage your experiences and talents to make a meaningful impact in those we seek to support. That’s where I believe the hottest of our fire comes from. Where the real magic happens! Wishing you all the best as you continue to unlock your entrepreneurial potential, and find continued success in all that it means for you, Norman. And as always, feel free to reach out if you ever want to discuss further.

  4. Hi Joe,

    Your blog post beautifully captures the essence of the entrepreneurial mindset and its transformative power. Your journey of self-discovery, resilience, and continuous growth, despite facing challenges like ADHD/OCD and PTSD, is truly inspiring. Embracing change, taking calculated risks, and owning accountability are all key principles highlighted here. It’s a reminder that the entrepreneurial spirit goes beyond financial success; it’s about creating lasting value and making a positive impact. Your story serves as a beacon of encouragement for anyone on their path to unlocking their full potential.

    I can truly identify myself with some of your challenges like PTSD. Key is to keep pushing forward with a strong desire to succeed. Eventually success will kiss you.!

    Gary S.

    • Heya Gary!

      Thanks so much for the kind words and for sharing your own experiences. Truly appreciate you taking the time to read the post and connect with the message on a personal level.

      You’re absolutely right that the entrepreneurial journey is about so much more than just financial success. It’s about self-discovery, resilience, and creating lasting value – not just for ourselves, but for the people and communities we serve. And you’re spot-on that owning our challenges, rather than letting them own us, is key to unlocking our full potential.

      Very little involving PTSD is an easy – or straight-forward road, but our determination to keep pushing forward is often the fuel for the journey, right? And as you’ve eluded to; success will find us if we maintain that strong desire to succeed and continue growing.

      Wishing you all the best on your own entrepreneurial journey. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever want to connect further and swap stories. This entrepreneurial community is stronger when we lift each other up.


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