As a coach in the holistic transformation and optimal performance space, I’ve had the privilege of speaking with, networking amongst, and working with countless high-achievers – from entrepreneurs and executives to athletes and creatives. And as someone who prides himself on picking up cues, making mental notes, going back through mental transcripts of meetings, etc., there is one thing I’ve noticed (outside of reading about it – which I also do) time and time again is that the most motivated, successful people;
If you ask the right questions, and listen equally to what they’re NOT saying, you’ll find they tend to share certain habits and rituals in common.
Now, listen, I know what you might be thinking –
“Another subjective ‘listicle’ of productivity hacks and morning routines from some eastern-shore Canuck? *Yawn.”
I do get it. Legit. But hear me out;
The habits I’m pulling into this article go far beyond surface-level time management tips or hacks. These are the foundational pillars that I have heard about, witnessed, and used myself, which allow my colleagues and clients alike to sustainably elevate their performance, fulfill their potential, and create the life they will tell you they truly want(ed).
Again, these aren’t just my observations. I’ve checked; they’re backed by extensive research in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and human optimization. So not only are these habits proven to work, but plan here is to show you the scientific reasoning behind why they’re so powerful.
Ready to take your motivation and success to the next level? Let’s get after it!

1. Wake Up Early (And Make the Most of Your Mornings)
I know, I know – “Early to bed, early to rise…” is hardly a revolutionary concept. But there’s a reason why so many high-performers swear by an early morning routine (providing you don’t work nightshifts, etc., of course). And it all comes down to neuroscience.
You see, it seems our brains are wired to be most productive and focused in the hours immediately after waking up. That’s because our cortisol levels (the ‘stress hormone’) are naturally highest in the morning, providing us with a cognitive boost. Meanwhile, melatonin (the ‘sleep hormone’) is at its lowest ebb, making it easier for us to feel alert and energized.
By capitalizing on this neurochemical rhythm and getting an early start to our days, we can accomplish more in those precious morning hours than we often can in the entire afternoon. It’s no wonder that research has found that some almost 90% of self-made millionaires wake up before 6 AM (wake up and get moving, productively, that is).
Of course, becoming a morning person doesn’t happen overnight for everyone. (Pun intended.) But by gradually and safely shifting your sleep schedule and creating a consistent morning ritual, you can train your brain to thrive in those early hours. Think meditation, exercise, journalling and goal-setting – whatever energizes and centres you.

2. Read, Read, Read (And Not Just for Entertainment)
I’ll admit it – I’m a total bookworm. Between the shelves of actual typed paper, to the seemingly unending Audible Library I’ve amassed, I am a sponge as it pertains to hearing the perceptions and perspectives of others.
And it turns out, that’s a trait I share with many other highly successful people.
In fact, I’d caught part of a study found that 88% of wealthy individuals read for at least 30 minutes every day.
But here’s the key – they’re not just reading for entertainment. Top performers tend to be voracious consumers of biographies, history, philosophy, and self-improvement literature. They’re constantly feeding their minds with new ideas, strategies, and perspectives.
Why? Because reading doesn’t just provide us with information – it actually changes the physical structure of our brains. You’ve heard me speak about the purpose behind our Habit Revolution Challenge before, yes? The idea is that the more (and more frequently) we expose ourselves to complex narratives and abstract concepts, the more we strengthen the neural pathways associated with focus, comprehension, and critical thinking.
And let’s not forget the psychological benefits of reading, either. Getting lost in a good book has been shown to reduce stress, enhance empathy, and boost our overall sense of well-being. All of which contribute to the motivation and resilience (more on this later in the article) that successful people tend to embody.
So if you’re looking to level up your mindset and performance, make reading a non-negotiable part of your daily routine. Start small – even 20 minutes a day can make a difference. And don’t be afraid to explore genres and topics outside your comfort zone. You never know what hidden gems you might uncover (it might even open you up to a new income stream, or new hobby).

3. Prioritize Focused Thinking (And Ditch the Distractions)
In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it can feel nearly impossible to find the time and mental space for deep, focused work. But that’s exactly what the most successful people make a priority.
You see, our brains are wired to thrive on attention and concentration. When we engage in prolonged periods of focused thinking, we activate the prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, problem-solving, and creative ideation. This is where the magic happens, as I’ve explained even in articles over at Abundant Mind and Plasticity Portal in the past.
On the flip side, when we’re constantly jumping between tasks and notifications (this misaligned notion of ‘multi-tasking’ being so highly-regarded as a positive in the workplace), we keep our brains stuck in a state of shallow, fragmented attention. And that comes at a serious cost to our productivity, decision-making abilities, and overall cognitive performance.
That’s why the high-achievers seem to be so ruthless about protecting their time and mental energy. They schedule regular “deep work” sessions, free from distractions like email, social media, and even casual conversation. And they’ve developed rituals to help them enter a state of flow – whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply taking a long, contemplative walk.
Some even refuse to carry a mobile device!
The results speak for themselves, though. No matter the study or story, most report feeling calmer, more focused, and more creatively inspired after these periods of undivided attention. And that, in turn, fuels their motivation to keep pushing forward, even in the face of challenges.
So if you’re serious about levelling-up your success, I challenge you to be just as ruthless about protecting your mental bandwidth. Experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you. Your brain (and your to-do list) will thank you.

4. Move Your Body (And Reap the Cognitive Benefits)
Ok, sure…exercise isn’t exactly a revolutionary habit for success. But again, ‘hear me out’, because the science behind this one is pretty fascinating.
You see, regular physical activity doesn’t just keep our bodies healthy – it also has a profound impact on our brains. Studies have shown that exercise can increase the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, all of which play a crucial role in regulating our mood, focus, and motivation.
But that’s not all (“…and when you order a 2nd, we’ll send you a 3rd ‘free of charge’!” LOL! Sorry…couldn’t help myself).
Seriously, though, that’s not all; Exercise has also been linked to the growth of new brain cells (a process called neurogenesis) and the strengthening of neural connections. In other words, moving your body doesn’t just make you feel good in the moment – it can actually make you smarter in the long run.
In my mind, it’s no wonder, then, that 76% of the successful, wealthy individuals surveyed in one study engaged in at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every single day. They understand that physical activity isn’t just a nice-to-have – it’s a non-negotiable part of their success strategy.
Now, I know what you might also be thinking (because trust me when I say I’ve heard just about every objection, rejection, excuse, position, and proposal on NOT moving forward);
“But I’m already so busy! How am I supposed to fit in a workout on top of everything else?”
The key is to get creative. Maybe it’s a brisk walking meeting instead of a sit-down. Or a 10-minute HIIT session during your lunch break. The specifics don’t matter nearly as much as the consistency, and the sooner you let go of excusing yourself from it with an overabundance of objections, the sooner you’ll get creative in making it happen.
Look, when it comes to fuelling your motivation and performance, a little movement can go a long way. So make even the smallest change in scheduling some activity a priority, and watch how it transforms your mindset and your results.

5. Surround Yourself with Inspiring People (And Limit Negative Influences)
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” And when it comes to success and motivation, there’s a lot of truth to that.
And let me get this part out of the way; I am completely empathetic in so much as how we at times have closer old, elementary school classmates and ‘BFF’s’, or maybe family – close or distant with whom we can’t imagine cutting from our lives for the sake of some success. I’m not advocating for that, necessarily, and have been challenged on it by people when I propose it. Many times. Thing is, it’s your life to live, and deciding on what is important to you should be the priority; not necessarily with whom you do it with.
That said, the data dictates that the people we surround ourselves with will have a profound impact on our thoughts, behaviours, and beliefs. If we’re constantly exposed to negativity, self-doubt, and limiting mindsets, that’s going to seep into our own psychology. But if we intentionally seek out positive, driven, and successful individuals, we can’t help but be influenced by their energy and their example.
That’s why the high-performers I’ve met, studied, or have worked with are so intentional about their social circles. They actively seek out mentors, peers, and communities that will challenge them, support them, and inspire them to keep levelling-up. Whether it’s joining a mastermind group, volunteering for a cause they care about, or simply scheduling regular coffee dates with like-minded friends, they understand the power of surrounding themselves with the right people.
At the same time, they’re equally diligent about limiting their exposure to toxic influences – whether it’s that Debbie Downer (sorry to all of the Debbie’s in my life – I mean no offence) friend who’s always complaining, or that mindless social media scroll that leaves them feeling mentally-drained and largely inadequate. They know that their mental and emotional bandwidth is precious, and they guard it fiercely.
So take a look at the people you’re spending the most time with, both online and offline. Are they fueling your motivation and success, or are they holding you back? Make the necessary changes, and watch how it transforms your mindset and your results.

6. Commit to Your Goals (And Hold Yourself Accountable)
When it comes to success, there’s no shortage of well-meaning advice out there. But in my experience, the single most important habit is also the simplest: setting clear, compelling goals, and then relentlessly pursuing them.
See, our brains are wired to be goal-oriented. When we have a specific target in mind, it activates the reward centres in our brain and releases feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine. This, in turn, fuels our motivation and drives us to take action.
But it’s not enough to just set goals – we also have to be deeply committed to achieving them. That’s why 80% of the self-made millionaires surveyed in one study were intensely focused on both short-term and long-term goal attainment. They understood that success isn’t about quick fixes or overnight transformations – and not to argue those can’t happen, but they’re rare as compared to intention. It’s instead about sustained, deliberate effort over time.
Of course, that kind of commitment isn’t always easy, right? I still struggle with it myself, at times. That’s why the most successful people I know, though, have ALSO mastered the art of accountability. They surround themselves with mentors and peers who will hold them to their commitments. They break down big goals into smaller, measurable milestones. And they celebrate their wins, no matter how small, to keep themselves motivated and inspired.
So if you’re serious about levelling-up your success, start by getting crystal clear on your goals. What do you want to achieve, both in the short-term and the long-term? Then put systems in place to keep yourself accountable and on track. Your future self, and all of those you’ll help or share in your successes in the future will thank you.
The Power of Consistency: The Bedrock of Success
As we’ve been exploring, the habits of the most successful people are diverse and multifaceted. But underlying all of these practices is a common thread: consistency.
You see, sustainable success isn’t about perfection or overnight transformations. It’s about showing up, day after day, and putting in the work – even when it’s difficult, even when it’s mundane. It’s about cultivating the self-discipline to turn these habits into ingrained, automatic behaviours.
The high-performers understand this on a deep level. They’ve made consistency a non-negotiable part of their success strategy, whether it’s their morning routine, their reading habits, or their exercise regimen. And they’ve reaped the rewards, both in terms of tangible achievements and an unshakable sense of confidence and momentum.
Of course, building consistent habits isn’t always easy. There will be days when you feel unmotivated, distracted, or tempted to give in to old patterns. But that’s where the power of systems and accountability comes in. By setting clear rituals, tracking your progress, and enlisting the support of a coach or community, you can transform consistency from a lofty goal into an everyday reality.
So as you start to implement these habits in your own life, don’t just focus on the “what” and the “how.” Devote equal attention to the “why” and the “when.” Make a plan, stay accountable, and most importantly, be patient with yourself. Consistency takes time, but the payoff is truly transformational.

7. Prioritize Sleep (And Optimize Your Rest Routine)
We know it; we live in an accelerated-pace, hustle-driven culture, and it can be tempting to view sleep as a necessary evil – something to be minimized in order to maximize our productivity.
And some do. I’ve lost count of the number of books, courses, coaches, hustlers, and countless others who promote limiting sleep to well-below scientific data on success. Interestingly, those people say nothing about strategically accounting for your day in efficient, methodical ways, but instead tell you that you won’t have time to sleep if you want to be successful.
I call ‘BS’ on that. I also call ‘BS’ on Daylight Savings, sorry (“NOT sorry”, as they say).
And the most successful people I’m including here in my knowledge bank understand that nothing could be further from the truth.
You see, sleep isn’t just important for our physical health – it’s also crucial for our cognitive performance. During those precious hours of rest, our brains are busy consolidating memories, processing information, and recharging our mental batteries. Skimp on sleep, and you’re essentially robbing yourself of the very fuel that powers your success.
That’s why 89% of the wealthy individuals surveyed in one study reported sleeping 7-8 hours per night or more. They recognize that adequate, high-quality rest isn’t a luxury – it’s a non-negotiable part of their success strategy.
Of course, actually getting that much sleep isn’t always easy. I get that. But that’s also why these same high-performers have mastered the art of optimizing their rest routines. They have strict wind-down rituals, they limit screen time before bed (as we all should), and they create sleep-conducive environments in their bedrooms.
The results speak for themselves. Reports show feeling more focused, creative, and energized during their waking hours. And that, in turn, fuels their motivation to keep pushing forward, even in the face of challenges.
So if you’re serious about levelling-up your success, make sleep a priority. Experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for you…but do it.

8. Diversify Your Income Streams (And Cultivate Financial Resilience)
Last but not least, the most successful people I know (and/or know of) understand the importance of financial diversification. In fact, one study found that 65% of self-made millionaires had at least three income streams before reaching their first million.
Why is this so important? Because in our rapidly-changing, increasingly unpredictable world, relying on a single source of income can leave us vulnerable to economic downturns, industry disruptions, and other unexpected challenges.
But when we have multiple revenue streams – whether it’s a side hustle, rental properties, or a portfolio of investments – we create a safety net that allows us to weather those storms. We’re not just dependent on a single paycheque or a single client anymore at that point, right? We have the freedom and the flexibility to pivot, adapt, and keep moving forward, no matter what life throws our way.
Of course, building multiple income streams takes time, effort, and strategic planning. It’s not something that happens overnight. But the high-performers I work with understand that it’s a non-negotiable part of their long-term success strategy.
They start small, testing out different ideas and experimenting with new opportunities, and I’ve included a few in our latest eBook on the subject of income streams and opportunities; The Remote Entrepreneur’s Playbook: Strategies For Building A Successful Online Business.
Successful people leverage their existing skills and expertise to create passive income streams. And they’re constantly on the lookout for ways to diversify and expand their financial portfolio.
The result? A level of financial resilience and security that allows them to take bigger risks, pursue their passions, and keep their eyes firmly fixed on the horizon. And that, my friends, is the ultimate recipe for sustainable, fulfilling success.
The Resilience Recipe: Bouncing Back Stronger
In lightning-speed world – and in speaking to diversifying income streams, and the like, resilience has become an essential ingredient for success. After all, no matter how diligently we cultivate our habits and pursue our goals, we’re bound to face setbacks, challenges, and unexpected curveballs along the way.
But the most motivated, high-performing individuals I know, have listened to, or have read about don’t let those obstacles derail them. Instead, they’ve mastered the art of bouncing back stronger than ever before.
What’s their secret?
It all comes down to mindset. Resilient people don’t view failures or difficulties as permanent, pervasive problems. They see them as temporary, surmountable challenges – opportunities to learn, grow, and emerge even more capable on the other side.
This resilient mindset is underpinned by a deep well of self-belief, optimism, and adaptability. Resilient individuals understand that setbacks are a natural part of the journey, not a reflection of their worth or their abilities. They’re quick to course-correct, to seek support when needed, and to maintain a relentless commitment to their goals.
And the science backs this up. Studies have shown that resilience is closely linked to increased activity in the prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain responsible for higher-order thinking, problem-solving, and emotional regulation. In other words, resilience isn’t just a personality trait; it’s a skill that can be cultivated and strengthened over time.
So how can you start building your own resilience reserves? Start by reframing your relationship with what you might consider ‘failure’ and adversity. Instead of beating yourself up, ask:
“What can I learn from this experience?”
Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors and peers who will lift you up. And most importantly, celebrate your small wins and progress, no matter how incremental they may seem.
Because when you approach life’s challenges with that resilient mindset, you unlock a level of motivation, determination, and sheer grit that will propel you towards the success you’ve been dreaming of. It’s not always easy, but it’s a skill worth mastering. After all, the most successful people don’t just achieve greatness – they maintain it and/or they rebuild it, even in the face of the unexpected.

Putting It All Together
There you have it – the 8 habits that the most motivated, successful people swear by.
Wasn’t so bad, right?
From waking up early to diversifying your income streams, each of these practices is backed by solid science and proven to have a profound impact on our mindset, our performance, and our overall well-being.
But here’s the thing – building these habits isn’t always easy. It takes time, effort, and a deep commitment to your own growth and development. And look, for some who may also be battling debilitating disease, etc., you may be trying what others are advising; and it’s just not working. We may need to be looking at genomic testing and analysis for you. For these reasons, and others, I always encourage my friends, colleagues and clients to start small, experiment, and be patient with themselves.
Because at the end of the day, sustainable success isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress.
‘Practice Makes Progress’, as they say.
It’s about consistently showing up, doing the work, and trusting the process. And if you can embrace that mindset, I have no doubt that you’ll unlock your full potential and achieve the level of motivation and success you’ve been dreaming of.
So what are you waiting for? Start incorporating these habits into your daily life, one step at a time. Incorporate them with the supportive, healthy lifestyle you already have (or are building) – find out why that’s important in this article. Your future self will thank you, and I’ll be looking forward to hearing about how it’s going for you!