How To Unlock Your Potential: Embracing The Entrepreneurial Mindset

In a world that constantly demands adaptation and innovation (could you hear Don LaFontaine in that like I could? LOL!), the entrepreneurial mindset has emerged as a powerful force for personal growth and societal transformation. It’s a way of thinking that transcends traditional boundaries, embracing challenges as opportunities and viewing setbacks as stepping stones to … Read more

Swallowing Holiday Stress

A Ham Dinner laid out on the table with a large roast of ham being sliced inside the foil-lined roaster, potatoes and other veg on the side, and more.

As a Certified Functional Nutrition Counsellor, I often get asked about the impact of holiday eating and travel on gut health (like the upcoming Easter Holiday Weekend for some this coming weekend). Many of us – no matter how well-intentioned, tend to overeat and make less healthy food choices during the holidays, leading to digestive … Read more